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Jane Manning James Faith and Belonging Research Grant

The College of Humanities is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity to support student research: the Jane Manning James Faith and Belonging Research Grant in the Humanities. Sponsored and administered by the Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee and named in honor of Jane Manning James, an early black pioneer, this grant invites students to explore questions of belonging through the principles of faith, humility, and courage that James exemplified.

At BYU we have the unique opportunity to approach belonging in the light of the restored gospel. Faith is an essential component of belonging, and true belonging can only be realized through the exercise of faith. Under the direction of faculty mentors, student grant recipients will explore what this means, how this can be imagined and brought to life through the humanities, and what we as a college community can offer each other, the campus, the church, and the world at large in striving to create an environment of belonging and fulfill the Lord’s admonition to “be one.”

As with the College’s HUM Grants, there will be two application cycles, one in the middle of winter semester and one in the middle of fall semester. The grant application must include a project title; name of faculty mentor; description of research objectives, methods, and timeline; and an itemized project budget that demonstrates how the grant will be used (e.g., travel to an archive, academic conference, or faith community; books or materials; technological requirements; etc.). The research project must have well-defined objectives and a clear connection to issues of faith and belonging in the humanities.


  1. Students must be majoring in the College of Humanities. 
  2. Proposed projects must be completable before graduation.
    (e.g., If you are graduating in April, you should apply in the previous fall cycle at the latest rather than winter.)
  3. Mentors must be full-time faculty in the College of Humanities. Faculty may only mentor up to two projects per cycle.
  4. Projects must explore, address, or otherwise relate in some way to the intersection of faith and belonging in the humanities. Sample project ideas can be found on our website. 

Grant Information Sessions: February 13 at Noon (JFSB B112 ) or 4:00 PM (JFSB B106)

Application Deadline: March 15

Submit Application Here:

To learn more about Jane Manning James, see: